Picking Up Your Fish
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When you order fish you can pick them up or have them delivered. Many want to pick the fish up themselves so they can get the fish quicker and/or avoid a delivery charge. We are available most of the time during fish season for you to pick up your order. It is important to give us a call or email us before heading out to make sure we have what you want in stock that day. We do our best to keep fish available but some are seasonal or specific sizes may not be ready yet. Our stock changes daily. Most of our fish can be put in a plastic bag with oxygen for a safe and easy transport. Catfish are the main species that poke holes in the bags so you will need a container for them.
Most of our fish can be put in a plastic bag with oxygen for a safe and easy transport. Catfish are the main species that poke holes in the bags so you will need a container for them.
Things to Consider
- Travel Time back to your Pond
- We can put less fish per bag if you have a longer trip back to your pond.
- Most of the time the fish are good for 2-3 hours but we can extend that to around 5 if needed.
- It’s best to keep the bags out of the sun while you travel back to your pond.
- An ice chest or any type of container can be used to hold the bags during transport.
- You can also set them in the floor board or use straps to secure them.
- If you are getting larger sized Bluegill or Tilapia (6 Inches +), larger catfish (8-10 Inches +), or larger bass (1lb size +) you will need a container to haul the fish back in.
- You need it to hold water and a lid is preferable. Examples include 5 gallon buckets, trash cans, ice chests, rubbermaid containers, ibc totes, cattle tubs, etc.
- We will fill it with water here at the farm and in some instances can use a trash can liner and oxygen to help with longer transport times.
- If you have a small aerator that is helpful but isn’t a requirement for hauling your own fish.
What will I need to pickup my order?
How we recommend hauling the following fish.
- Catfish
- All sizes of Catfish need a container for transport. If you are purchasing the smaller size, a 6-8 Inch, we can use a 5 gallon bucket and air a bag up tight against the sides so they don’t poke holes. We can bag approximately 20 6-8 Inch catfish in a 5 gallon bucket and they will be good for around 2 hours.
- Any container that holds water will work for transporting the catfish. A lid can be helpful so you don’t lose water. We will fill up your tank at the farm with the water the fish are in to keep them stable.
- For Example: We recommend 50 gallons of water for 100 6-8 Inch Catfish for 1 hour travel time. For Large Catfish 1lb & Over 50 Gallons is good for around 10 lbs. for an hour travel time.
- Bluegill & Sunfish (Straight, Hybrids, Redear)
- We can put the 2-3″ size and the 3-5″ size in a plastic bag for transport.
- For the 6″ and Over size you will need a container to transport them.
- Bass (Largemouth, Stripers, Florida)
- We can put the 4-6″ size and the 6-8″ size in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport.
- If you are ordering a larger size you will need a container to transport them.
- Grass Carp
- We will put the carp in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport. They are easily transported this way and rarely puncture a bag.
- Fathead Minnows
- We will put the minnows in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport. If you are ordering a larger amount of minnows (35 lbs +) please give us a call and we can decide if delivery or a container might be a good idea. Minnows can tend to stress easier.
- Tilapia
- We will put the 2-3″ and the 4-6″ sizes in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport.
- You will need a container with a lid to transport the larger size. They will jump out during transport if you don’t have one!
- Crappie
- We will put both sizes of Crappie that we sell in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport.
- Koi
- The Koi that are 12 inches and under can be put in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport.
- Koi larger than 12 inches will require a container with a lid for transport. We will fill it with water at the farm.
- Rainbow Trout
- We sell rainbow trout seasonally at the farm and you will need a container to transport them. A lid is recommended and we will fill it with water at the farm.

Bagging Grass Carp with Oxygen.