Updates to the Fish Fry Restaurant!

Clouds at the restaurant!

Updates to the Fish Fry Restaurant!

Clouds at the restaurant!

Last Call for Fish Sales in 2021
If you are interested in ordering let us know!
Fish Fry Gift Certificates are also Available for Purchase.

We have 100 4-6 Inch Walleye available for $5 each. Only ones for the 2021 season. First come first serve so give us a call or message us if you are interested!

300 Florida F1 Bass Available. Last ones for the 2021 season. They are 4 inches long and they are $1.50 each. First come first serve so give us a call or message us if you are interested!

Call us at 918-341-4194 or message us to make your order! The trout will be available later this month for stocking. They are $7 a pound. Orders are due by Wed, Nov 10th.

Lots of new Babies
Red Brangus, Brahman, Percentage Akaushi, and our first Fullblood Akaushi.

Koi Now Available for $15 Each
Long and Short fins ranging in size from 6 Inches to 12 Inches.

Fish Order Update
We are currently not holding fish in the fish house due to the heat. We will begin selling fish again for Fall in late September and continue through early Winter. If you want to be on our list to contact please message us or email what you are interested in!

Saw these guys a few miles from the farm this morning on the side of the road! An interesting way to start the day. A bobcat mama and 2 babies.

Found a pretty cool looking bird when we were out checking cows today. We think it’s a Yellow Crowned Night Heron.

Koi Available
We now have Koi available. They are anywhere from 8-14 Inches and there are several hundred to choose from. Your choice $20 each. The smaller ones are both long and short fins and the larger are short fins. Bring a container and come take your pick!

February Fish Fry Cancelled
We have decided to cancel the upcoming February Fish Fry due to the cold weather conditions. We hate to do it but it’s uncertain how the road conditions will be during that time and also getting the supplies will be more difficult. We are spending the majority of our time during this cold spell taking care of the animals and making sure the indoor Tilapia fish house is up and running. We hope to thaw out and see you in March! Stay Safe!

Feeding in the Winter Weather
Had a couple of Surprises today. Saw a small group of wild turkeys eating leftover grain from the cows and had a new baby calf. We jinxed ourselves by saying we weren’t expecting any this soon. Thankfully the new baby is doing well and has eaten, her mama is doing a great job! We put down fresh hay for all of the cows to bed down in knowing it’s going to be a rough couple of days for everyone.

Winter Weather Update
So far everyone is making it just fine! No calves due for 3-4 weeks so we’re thankful for that. Now we’re preparing for the snow and then hopefully some warmer Temps

Spring Stocking Update
We are taking fish orders for the Spring and plan to start moving fish Mid-February as soon as the Arctic cold decides to get out of here! We will post updates on availability of fish.

Our Koi Hatching Video on Youtube
If you want to see our process for hatching Koi you can watch our newest Youtube video that shows some of our 2020 hatch.

Youtube Video of Farm Fam visiting the Fish Fry
We had a visit from Walker Farm Fam for the last Fish Fry and they made a video about it that you can see here!

Prairie Hay for Sale
We have Prairie Hay Squares for Sale at $6 each. Call or email for more information or to pick some up.

Merry Christmas from Moore’s Fish Farm 

Akaushi New to the Farm
We decided to add an Akaushi Wagyu bull to our herd this December so we can start having our crossbreds in Fall of 2021. We have three cows due in May as well. The bull came from Heartbrand Beef in Texas and we picked him up a couple of days ago. We plan on using him on our Red Angus cows to produce better quality meat and begin to breed higher percentage Akaushi cattle.

Snow at the Fish Farm
A snowstorm hit our area this week making for pretty scenes and more work. The cows got extra attention and feed as the storm hit. A baby was born and both cow and calf are doing well!

Rainbow Trout Available
We sell trout once a year during November. They make a fun addition for Winter fishing. They will usually live through Mid-May when the water temperatures get too hot.

Fish Sales this Weekend
The warmer weather headed for us this weekend will be a good opportunity to get your pond stocked. We will be selling on Saturday & Sunday from 9-5. Other times this week available also. We will have Hybrid & Straight Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Blue Catfish (pictured in video), Bass, Minnows, Grass Carp, Crappie, and Koi.
Sizes Available
2-3″ Hybrid & Straight Bluegill $.60 each
6-8″ Channel Catfish $.75 each
4-5″ Blue Catfish $2.00 each
Minnows $10 a lb
4-6″ Bass $2.00 each
8-10″ Grass Carp $10 each
3″ Crappie $.75 each
5-6″ Koi Long & Short Fin $5.00 each

Baby Harry
A cute little surprise out of a Corriente cow we bought. It was evident not long after he was born that he’s half highland!

Akaushi/Wagyu Babies on the Way!
We’ve been wanting to experiment with Wagyu cattle for a few years and finally decided to give it a try. The cows were AI’d a few weeks ago and were ultrasounded today. We are now expecting 3 Heartbrand Akaushi(Red Wagyu) babies at the end of May 2021! We have two registered Angus cows and a Tigerstripe cow that we have ultrasound confirmed.

Baby Koi 2020 Hatch
Today we seined this years hatch of Koi. The larger ones are now for sale for $5 each. We graded the smaller ones out and stocked them into a larger grow out pond. There are some new really colorful ones, both long and short fins available!

Fish Sales
We will be selling fish Saturday from 9am-3pm. We will have Grass Carp, Koi, Bass, and Hybrid Bluegill available in the following sizes. We will put them in a plastic bag with oxygen for transport. We will begin to handle more fish as the water temperatures cool off over the next 2-3 weeks.
Koi 4-6 Inch $5 each (long and short fin available)
Grass Carp 8-10 Inch $10 each
Largemouth Bass 4-5 Inch $2 each
Hybrid Bluegill 2-3 Inch $.60 each

Fish Sales Update
We now have Grass Carp available for sale. We are starting to handle fish for pond stocking again and will begin selling over the next 2-3 weeks. We will continue to sell through the end of the year. The Blue Catfish and Crappie will not be ready until around the first of October. Please check with us before you head out to make sure we have what you want in stock.

Blue Catfish For Sale
We had a successful Blue Catfish hatch this year so we will be offering a limited amount of 4-5 Inch fingerlings this Fall (late September or Early October). They will be $2 each. Here are a few pictures of them eating feed today.

Feeding Baby Koi
We have some really nice colors in this years Koi hatch. These guys will be available this fall and we will also have some larger ones from last years hatch. The smaller ones will be a mix of long and short fin and the larger ones will be short fin!

Channel Catfish Fingerling Update/Fish Sales
These Channel Catfish Fingerlings are 3 inches long and hatched out this June. They form a massive school when they are eating and are growing quickly!
We will be selling Grass Carp and other pond stocking fish around the first of September. Right now we don’t have any fish available. We will start to sell again as the water temperatures cool off. We are finishing up our hay and will have small prairie hay squares available soon.

Brahman Bulls for Sale
We have 2 commercial brahman bulls out of polled genetics for $1500 each. They are 11 months old and are gentle. They are out of commercial full-blooded cows and a registered polled bull. The bull was raised by La Muneca and is sired by MR. V8 279/7 and out of the LMC POLLED ELEGANCE 15/3 cow. Contact us to come see them.

Sunset Picture Overlooking the Farm
Love this sunset picture from last week New baby Brahman calf pictures are coming soon!

New Baby Brahman
We had a new Brahman Heifer born today. She’s doing really good!

Comet Picture
We finally found the comet this evening after the Fish Fry We appreciate everyone that came out to eat this weekend and look forward to next month!

Evening Cattle Check
One of our Longhorn cows struck a pose this evening while we were out riding around.

Channel Catfish hatch Update
Our catfish hatch is going well so far! Here are some pictures of the fry eating their feed.

Brahman Calves
The Brahman calves pictured are from our fullblood/purebred herd.

Pellet Trained Crappie
These pellet trained baby Black Crappie are excited to get their feed! Crappie and Largemouth Bass don’t naturally take to a feed pellet so we have to train them to eat. These pellets are 1.5 mm in size and have a high protein content. Pellet training is necessary in commercial production to keep them growing and healthy in our ponds.

Grass Carp Update
We are out of grass carp and pond stocking fish right now but will have one more round ready around the 17th of June. This will be our last until fall because of the hot water temperatures. The next couple of weeks we are filling our contract orders. If you have any questions you can give us a call at 918-341-4194 or send us a message.

Lavender Farm Fish Delivery
We made a loop through Oklahoma delivering fish today. We started at Honey Creek Farm in Mounds this morning and got to see their lavender farm! Then we headed to Lawton and then made the final delivery at Granite.

Texas Hunter Fish Feeders
We have a lot of requests on automatic fish feeders brands and fish feed. We are dealers for the Texas Hunters Products and offer fish feeders for sale. We also use Cargill Warm Water floating fish feed. If you are interested in these products you can check out the page here.

Largemouth Bass Guarding the Nests
The Largemouth Bass are spawning at the farm and this pair is guarding their nest of eggs. They will keep watch until they hatch and take off on their own!

Fish Sales Update
We are open until 5 pm today selling fish but we are out of Grass Carp until the middle of next week!

Spawing Season 2020 Begins
Spawning season at the farm has begun! The Koi are our first species of fish that spawn in the Spring and they have started laying eggs!

Fish Fry Closing Update for April 2020 Covid Shutdown
We just wanted to clarify that we will be closed for the April fish Fry. We strongly considered curb side but ultimately decided against it because we dont think the fried fish would hold up as good as we would like. As soon as they lift restrictions we will open up. We are very hopeful that we will be able to open for the May Fish Fry and see everyone again!

New Baby Calf
We’ve been waiting on the #123 cow to calve and she didn’t disappoint with this little heifer The herd came to meet her.

Snow at the Farm
Just enough snow to make a real slushy mess

GOPRO Videos in the Works
Working on video updates on the fish species we carry for our website! It’s always fun to break out the GOPRO and get new videos

Sunset at the Farm
After a long few muddy days it was nice to see this sunset knowing warmer weather will be giving us and the animals a break for a couple of days!

Baby Softshell Turtle
This might be the cutest baby turtle The boys found him in the seine today! He’s a softshell turtle.

Snow on the Way
Took a picture of this pretty girl last winter during a brief snow…we’ll see if any comes this weekend!

Seining Fish at the Farm
Catching a few fish for a stocking order today!

Morning Fog Pictures 
It was an incredibly foggy day here at the farm. You couldn’t see the cows until you were very close to them!